International Workshop (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and the HeKKSaGOn Network)
September 25th - September 28th 2016
Y. Aloimonois (Univerity of Maryland), M. Asada (Osaka University), T. Asfour (KIT, Co-chair), E. Badreddin (University Heidelberg), A. Billard (EPFL), O. Khatib (Standford Univerity), K. Kosuge (Tohoku University, Sendai), J.P. Laumound (LAAS), F. Matsuno (Kyoto University), K. Mombaur (University Heidelberg, Co-chair), C. Torras (CSIC), F. Wörgötter (University Göttingen, Chair)
Follow up of the ACAT - Göttingen Sysmposium on The Semantics of Action, 2013
ChairProf. Dr. Florentin Wörgötter Georg-August-Universität Drittes Physikalisches Institut Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1 37077 Göttingen Office E.01.107
Tel. (+49) (0)551 / 39-10760 Fax (+49) (0)551 / 39-14898 Email: |
Co-ChairProf. Dr. Tamim Asfour Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Hochperformante Humanoide Technologien Adenauerring 2, Geb. 50.20 76131 Karlsruhe
Tel. (+49) (0)721 / 608-47379 Fax (+49) (0)721 / 608-44077 Email: |
Co-ChairProf. Dr. Katja Mombaur Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg IWR - Optimization in Robotics & Biomechanics Berliner Str. 45 69120 Heidelberg
Tel. (+49) (0)6221 / 54-14870 (-14872) Fax (+49) (0)6221 / 54-14898 Email: |
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